It is not unusual to come and go. Rather it is usual. No exception is possible. But there are some people who live on.

25th Boisakh comes and goes with 22nd Shravon. An arrival and a departure. We are made to be aware of a birth and death in a space of three months. Year after year. Decade after decade. And Tagore lives on.

Starting with mother from his tender age, Tagore presided over a series of deaths throughout his life. His siblings were not spared, except Rathindranath.

Instead of getting broken down, each death made him take a firm resolve to face life. So to him laughter and cry bejewel life.

Celebrating, not commemorating, 22nd Shravon is like thundering with him to proclaim that we are all conquerors of death. And life is indeed bigger than death. Tagore so refuses to die.

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