India that is Bharat is what the Constitution conceivers believed and wrote in it. The connotation of the phrase is not missing here, but well pronounced.

If the Constitution is to be re-written, the writers then have got to conceive it differently in assonance with the essence of the happenings.

Bharat that is India is the correct approach. And should be. It tells, touches, projects, predicts, propagates, portrays foregrounds, prescribes, proscribes accurately, diligently the modern India.

Tagore says that life is like two steps up and three steps back; like Jhnaptal, an Indian beat configuration that accompanies Indian classical music, film music and Tagore’s own music.

India down the ages prefers Jhnaptal, it seems, historically. Since its coming to being thousands of years back, India leaps up and jerks back.


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