We all look for happiness. Whatever we did or do or will do are all aimed at one thing – Happiness. So we all work frenetically to find a way fanatically to Happiness frantically.

Building after building one can build. Car after car one can add to one’s fleet. Luxuries can be piled over one another. And these are all done only with an eye on Happiness.

Yet, after all we have done, after flaunting all what money can do – Happiness still is missing.

An old man, very old man, a nonagenarian stays next to my house. He walks around merrily in the mornings and evenings. And he told me yesterday as I was coming from work that he was happy to my passing question of how he was.

I looked at him with a disbelief, indulgent in my smile.

Yes, I am happy. I look around for birds as they make a flight out in the morning and back in the evening. I look at sky to see, as far as possible, how many colours it may change into during day; how many shapes the clouds form into. And I don’t forget to see the sun rise and sun set each day without fail. The old man said as he unlocked the leafy outer gate that stands close to madhobilata plant arching over it.

This morning I gathered untimely burst of sheeuli flowers in front of my garage and bought them in my room palmful. Simple thing. It does its tricks – a simple feel.

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